Thursday, February 16, 2012


So I had the opportunity to babysit my favorite chillins while Dani got her endowments! We had quite the blast! I love these kids! :)

We played dress ups


They love to take pictures! Everyone had to have a turn taking pictures on my new phone!

Then we went out to play in the snow and then had cookies and  hot chocolate! Best saying : Kaley says to me "Aunt Lyssa... You're the BEST babysitter ever!!" :)

More dress ups

We got a little carried away with faces... And by we and mean me....


I LOVE these kids!!! :)

Brian Reagan!!!

So for Christmas, my parents got us all tickets to Brian Reagan!!!! I was thrilled! Until my dearest father told me I had to take a date to it... Love him. Well things ended up not working out so I took one of my good friends Madison :)

Weird thing at Abravanel Hall

I was obsessed with the lights...

We got there early so we had to entertain ourselves :)

Thanks to my parents!! And thanks to Mads for coming and dealing with my family! :)


So for our break, Brianna, Meagan and I went to Vegas! Meagan's family lives there and they were so kind as to let me into their home! They took me down to the strip... But we didn't get out of the car so sorry if these pictures are blurry! We were just driving by! :)
Driving into Vegas at night! It looked so cool!

Thanks again to Megs family for letting me stay!